Top Pickleball Tips to reach 5.0!

  1. Consistent Dinks:

    1. Bend your legs to get to the same level to the ball

    2. Dinking motion should be led by your shoulder and involve no wrist movement

    3. Swing should be small and takeback should not go behind your back hip

  2. Fast Hands at net

    1. Very short backswing on all volleys

    2. Ideally most quick hand exchanges at the net should be with topspin not slice

    3. Protect your body with the backhand. Often players will target your body and defending with the backhand is easier than the forehand

  3. Precise Thirds

    1. A third can either be a drop or a drive

    2. Drop should be a slower arcing ball that lands within 6 inches of the kitchen line (Either past or before)

    3. Drive will be a harder shot that tries to stay very low over the net


The Drills!


Elite Pickleball’s Dinking Philosophy