Elite Pickleball’s Dinking Philosophy

In our opinion, dinking is the base for any player’s pickleball game. At first glance, a dink doesn’t seem that important, just a soft shot that should land in/near the opponents kitchen. However, it is actually the foundation for any kitchen rally. A good dink will be consistent, move your opponent around and not let your opponent attack you. If you watch Ben Johns, or other top pros play, they will often dink over 20-30 times in a rally. Here are Elite Pickleballs top tips for developing a high level dink:

  1. Keep your backswing and follow through very compact. The paddle shot not go behind your back hip on the backswing, nor in front of your front hip on the follow through.

  2. Keep your wrist firm throughout the swing

  3. Make sure you bend your legs. Ideally your legs will be at the same level of the ball.


Top Pickleball Tips to reach 5.0!