Beer City Chicago Players Recap


Beer city open is one of the largest Pickleball tournaments in the Midwest and happened this past July 20-23rd. Located in Grand Rapids Michigan, there was great turnout from the Chicago PB community. Wanted to highlight a few of our local Chicago players and congrats to everyone on playing well in the tournament!

Jerry Huo and Neil Mediratta : 2-2 Mens Pro Doubles.

Neil and Jerry are two of the top players in the Chicago area. They took a game off Jay Deviliers and Zane Navartil in the tournament before ultimately losing in three tough games against them.

David Selvaggi and Becky Bucolo: 1-2 Mixed Doubles Pro

David and Becky are two excellent pickleball players out of Elmhurst. Becky was an All-American tennis player at Notre Dame, and David played soccer at Marquette. They had a fantastic match against James and Ava Ignatowich which was shown on CC2 mixed doubles day if anyone wants to watch. Becky was super solid on the right and David beat James in some hands battles!

Natalie Todorovic-Shaw and Marcel Borcean: Bronze Medal Senior pro

Big congrats to Natalie and Marcel on a Bronze Medal at Senior Pro. Natalie is one of the nicest players in the Chicago area, and Marcel has very quick hands from his days as a ping pong player.

Chase Carman and Dale Zwack: Silver Medal 5.0 19+ Mens Doubles

Chase and Dale are two of the most consistent players in the Chicago area! Great run by them to the gold medal game and fell just short in the finals against the Michaud brothers from Michigan.

Chase Carman and Caroline Mulloy: Gold Medal 5.0 35+ Mixed Doubles

Congrats to Chase and Caroline on the gold medal! I believe Caroline and Chase now have at least several gold medals in mixed 5.0.

Dale Zwack and Courtney Dill Shuster: Bronze Medal 5.0 35+ Mixed Doubles

Great mixed doubles run for Dale and Courtney! Normally, Dale is more of a right side player so Congrats Courtney on carrying Dale to a Bronze!

Gordon Elson, Sam Lindbergh, Shannon K, and Chris Matthews also all had great tournaments!


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