Play against and learn from two 5.0+ Chicago Pickleball Players

Match Play, Customized Drills, and Stroke Video Analysis


Guided Clinics

Play with 3 other people on the court who are at your same level. Ben and 5.5 Frenchie will lead drilling exercises and provide advice on shot selection, strategy and stroke mechanics during match play

Customized Drills

Drilling is the best way to improve your game. Work with Ben and 5.5 Frenchie to perfect each of your shots!

Stroke Analysis

Correct technique is paramount for consistency and shot quality. Ben and 5.5 Frenchie will work with you to perfect your technique

Tournament Training

Have an upcoming tournament? Ben and 5.5 Frenchie will work on high level game play and specific doubles strategies for you and your partner. In a 2v2 format

“I have been working on my forehand roll for over a year, and Elite Pickleball was able to fix it in one lesson” — Sue K.


Get in touch.
Your path to greatness begins now!